ID: 0

What are the names of some famous actors that started their careers on Broadway?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for your question ! I ' m happy to help . There are many famous actors who got their start on Broadway , here are a few examples : \n 1 . Hugh Jack man : Kn own for his roles in " The Boy from O z " and " The Great est Show man ," Jack man got his start on Broadway in the musical " Ok lahoma !" \n 2 . Aud ra Mc Donald : A six - time Tony Award winner , Mc Donald got her start on Broadway in the musical " R ag time ." \n 3 . Id ina M enz el : M enz el got her start on Broadway in the musical " R ent " and went on to star in " W icked " and " F ro zen ." \n 4 . Lin - Man uel Mir anda : Mir anda got his start on Broadway in the musical " In the He ights " and went on to create the hit musical " H amilton ." \n 5 . Krist in Chen ow eth : Chen ow eth got her start on Broadway in the musical " Ste el Pier " and has since star red in numerous Broadway shows , including " W icked " and " On the Tw enti eth Century ." \n 6 . James C orden : C orden got his start on Broadway in the musical " Les M iser ables " before becoming a late - night talk show host on " The Late Late Show with James C orden ." \n 7 . Sarah Jess ica Parker : Parker got her start on Broadway in the musical " An nie " and went on to star in numerous other Broadway shows , including " The Produ cers " and " Sp am al ot ." \n 8 . Nathan Lane : Lane got his start on Broadway in the musical " A Fun ny Th ing H app ened on the Way to the Forum " and has since star red in numerous other Broadway shows , including " The Produ cers " and " The Add ams Family ." \n 9 . B ette Mid ler : Mid ler got her start on Broadway in the musical " F idd ler on the Ro of " and went on to star in numerous other Broadway shows , including " Hello , Dol ly !" and " W icked ." \n 1 0 . John Leg u iz amo : Leg u iz amo got his start on Broadway in the play " A Day in the Death of Don Qu ix ote " and has since star red in numerous other Broadway shows , including " Fre ak ." \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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