ID: 116

Create a lesson plan in two different levels: in CEFR A1 and A2 on the topic of friendship. Add a rubric.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you create a less on plan on the topic of friendship for two different levels : CE FR A 1 and A 2 . Here are the less on plans and rub rics for each level : \n ** CE FR A 1 Level : ** \n L ess on Top ic : Friend ship \n Object ives : \n * Stud ents will be able to understand the concept of friendship and its importance . \n * Stud ents will be able to identify different types of friends and their characteristics . \n * Stud ents will be able to express their own thoughts and feelings about friendship . \n Material s : \n \n * Picture cards of different types of friends ( e . g . close friends , cas ual friends , pen p als ) \n * A list of ad ject ives related to friendship ( e . g . loyal , support ive , fun ny ) \n * A blank sheet of paper and a pen for each student \n \n Pro cedure : \n \n 1 . Introduction ( 5 minutes ): \n * Begin the less on by asking students what they know about friendship . \n * Write their responses on the board and clarify any misunder stand ings . \n * Int rodu ce the topic of friendship and explain that it is an important aspect of our lives . \n 2 . V oc ab ul ary ( 1 0 minutes ): \n * Pres ent the voc ab ul ary related to friendship and ask students to repeat each word . \n * Use the picture cards to illustrate each type of friend and their characteristics . \n * Ask students to identify which type of friend they have and which type of friend they would like to have . \n 3 . Disc uss ion ( 1 5 minutes ): \n * Ask students to share their thoughts and feelings about friendship . \n * Enc ou rage them to discuss their own experiences of friendship and what they value most about their friends . \n * Write their responses on the board and summar ize the main points . \n 4 . Writing Activity ( 1 5 minutes ): \n * Dist ribute the blank sheet of paper and pen to each student . \n * Ask them to write a short paragraph about their best friend , including their name , age , interests , and something they like to them . \n * Enc ou rage them to use the ad ject ives related to friendship from the list . \n 5 . Con clusion ( 5 minutes ): \n * Review the main points of the less on and ask students to share their paragraph s with a partner or the class . \n * Sum mar ize the key points of the less on and provide feedback on their writing . \n \n R ub ric for CE FR A 1 Level : \n \n * Did the student understand the topic of friendship and its importance ? ( Yes / No ) \n * Did the student identify different types of friends and their characteristics ? ( Yes / No ) \n * Did the student express their own thoughts and feelings about friendship in their writing ? ( Yes / No ) \n \n ** CE FR A 2 Level : ** \n \n L ess on Top ic : Friend and M aint aining Friend ships \n \n Object ives : \n * Stud ents will be able to understand the process of building and maintain ing friend ships . \n * Stud ents will be able to identify the key elements of a health y friendship . \n * Stud ents will be able to use language related to building and maintain ing friend ships in context . \n Material s : \n \n * A list of ad ject ives related to building and maintain ing friend ships ( e . g . reliable ive , reliable , trust worth y ) \n * A list of scenarios related to building and maintain ing friend ships ( e . g . inv iting a friend over , sharing personal problems , offering help ) \n * A blank sheet of paper and a pen for each student \n \n Pro cedure : \n \n 1 . Introduction ( 5 minutes ): \n * Begin the less on by asking students what they know about building and maintain ing friend ships . \n * Write their responses on the board and clarify any misunder stand ings . \n * Int rodu ce the topic of building and maintain ing friend ships and explain its importance . \n 2 . V oc ab ul ary ( 1 0 minutes ): \n * Pres ent the voc ab ul ary related to building and maintain ing friend ships and ask students to repeat each word . \n * Use the scenarios to illustrate each type of situation and their corresponding language . \n * Ask students to identify which type of situation they would use each word in . \n 3 . Disc uss ion ( 1 5 minutes ): \n * Ask students to share their thoughts and feelings about building and maintain ing friend ships . \n * Enc ou rage them to discuss their own experiences of building and maintain ing friend ships and what they value most about their friends . \n * Write their responses on the board and summar ize the main points . \n 4 . Writing Activity ( 1 5 minutes ): \n * Dist ribute the blank sheet of paper and pen to each student . \n * Ask them to write a short paragraph about a time when

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