ID: 15

Hi, I'm interested in learning to play badminton. Can you explain the game to me?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help ! Bad m inton is a fun and exc iting sport that is played on a rect angular court with a net in the middle . The objective of the game is to hit the sh utt le cock ( a small , fe ather ed or pl astic project ile ) over the net and into your oppon ent ' s court in such a way that they cannot return it . \n Here are the basic rules and equipment you ' ll need to get started : \n * The court : Bad m inton is played on a rect angular court with is 4 4 feet long and 2 0 feet wide . The net is placed in the middle of the court and stands at 5 feet 1 in ch high for singles matches and 5 feet 6 inches high for doubles matches . \n * The sh utt le cock : The sh utt le cock is the small , fe ather ed or pl astic project ile that is hit back and forth across the net . \n * The ra cket : Play ers use a bad m inton ra cket to hit the sh utt le cock . The ra cket is made of light weight materials and has a net - like structure at the top to help control the sh utt le cock . \n * Sc oring : A match is won by the player who reaches 2 1 points , but the player must win by at least two points . If the score is tied at 2 0 - 2 0 , play continues until one player leads by two points . \n * Ser ving : The game starts with a serve . The server stands behind the right - hand boundary of the court and must hit the sh utt le cock over the net and into the oppon ent ' s court . The oppon ent must hit the sh utt le cock back before it touch es the ground or goes out of bounds . \n * Vol le ys and sm ash es : Play ers can hit the sh utt le cock in the air ( a vol ley ) or after it has b ounced ( a sm ash ). \n * L ets and fault s : If the sh utt le cock hits the net but still lands in the oppon ent ' s court , it is called a " let " and the point is re play ed . If the sh utt le cock hits the net and falls outside the court , it is called a " fault " and the server los es the point . \n I hope this helps you get started with playing bad m inton ! Do you have any other questions about the game ? </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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