ID: 174

Can a qualifying manager work remotely abroad for US employer for an year be eligible for Eb1-C while on h1-b

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for reaching out with your question . I ' m here to help you in a responsible and safe manner . \n To answer your question , it ' s important to understand the el ig ibility criteria for the Eb 1 - C vis a category . The Eb 1 - C vis a is a non - imm igr ant vis a that allows foreign national s to work in the United States as a manager , executive , or owner of a qual ifying foreign company . \n To be el ig ible for the Eb 1 - C vis a , the following requirements must be met : \n 1 . The foreign national must be the owner , executive , or manager of a foreign company that is doing business outside of the United States . \n 2 . The foreign company must have a qual ifying relationship with the U . S . employ er , such as a parent , subs idi ary , or affili ate . \n 3 . The foreign national must be coming to the United States to work in an executive or manager ial capacity for the U . S . employ er . \n \n Now , regarding your question about working rem ot ely abroad for a U . S . employ er , it ' s important to note that the Eb 1 - C vis a is intended for foreign national s who will be working in the United States on a full - time basis . If you will be working rem ot ely from abroad for an extended period of time , it may be more appropriate to consider other vis a categories , such as the H 1 B vis a or the L 1 vis a , which are designed for foreign national s who will be working in the United States on a temporary basis . \n It ' s also worth not ing that the U . S . imm igration laws and reg ulations are subject to change , and the information provided is for general guidance only . It ' s always best to consult with a qualified imm igration att orney for the most up - to - date and accurate information . \n In summary , while it ' s possible for a qual ifying manager to work rem ot ely abroad for a U . S . employ er for an extended period of time , it ' s important to carefully consider the el ig ibility criteria for the Eb 1 - C vis a and to consult with a qualified imm igration att orney to determine the best vis a category for your specific situation . </s>

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