ID: 256

can you write haiku for different inductive biases in deep learning models? start with attention

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you with that . \n Here ' s a ha iku for attention in deep learning models : \n Att ention , sharp and bright \n Focus es on the vital few \n Ign ores the rest , wis ely \n \n Ind uct ive bi ases in deep learning models are assumptions or constraints that the model makes about the structure of the data it ' s learning from . Att ention is one such bias , as it helps the model focus on specific parts of the input data that are most for making predictions . By select ively weight ing certain parts of the input , attention allows the model to capture long - range dependencies and handle input data of varying lengths . \n I hope you find this ha iku helpful ! Let me know if you have any other questions or if you ' d like me to write ha ikus for other induct ive bi ases in deep learning models . </s>

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