ID: 288

Write a short description about the given movie or series. The Witcher (2019)

Aligned LLM's Response:

The W itch er is a popular Net fli x original series based on the best - s elling book series by Polish author And r zej S ap kow ski . The show follows the story of Ger alt of Riv ia , a mon ster h unter known as a W itch er , in a fant asy world filled with myth ical cre atures and political intr igue . The series premier ed in 2 0 1 9 and has since gained a large following for its eng aging story line , well - develop ed characters , and impress ive action sequences . The show has been pra ised for its faithful ness to the source material , while also offering a fresh and exc iting take on the fant asy genre . Over all , The W itch er is a thr illing and imm ers ive series that is sure to appeal to fans of fant asy and advent ure . </s>

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