ID: 294

Write a simple guide for uploading the bibliography database on Overleaf.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you with upload ing your bibli ography database to Over leaf . Here ' s a simple guide to get you started : \n 1 . Create an Over leaf account : If you don ' t already have an Over leaf account , sign up for one by going to their website and following the prompt s . \n 2 . Open Over leaf : Once you have an account , open Over leaf by going to their website and logging in . \n 3 . Create a new document : Click on the " New Document " button in the top - left corner of the screen to create a new document . \n 4 . Select the template : Over leaf offers a variety of templates for different types of documents . Cho ose the template that best su its your needs , or select " Bl ank Document " to create a custom document from scratch . \n 5 . Add your bibli ography : In the " Add a New Section " menu , select " B ibli ography " to create a new bibli ography section . \n 6 . Import your bibli ography database : Over leaf allows you to import your bibli ography database from a variety of sources , including End Note , M ende ley , Z ot ero , and more . Select the import option for your database and follow the prompt s to upload your files . \n 7 . Format your bibli ography : Once your bibli ography is uploaded , you can format it according to your desired c itation style using Over leaf ' s built - in formatting tools . \n 8 . Save and download : Once you ' ve formatted your bibli ography , save your document and download it as a PDF or Word document . \n That ' s it ! With these simple steps , you should be able to successfully upload your bibli ography database to Over leaf . If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the process , feel free to ask . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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