ID: 309

Make a questionnaire to help hotel guests write hotel reviews.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! Here ' s a question naire to help hotel guests write inform ative and helpful hotel reviews : \n 1 . What is your overall rating of your stay at the hotel ? ( e . g . 1 - 5 stars ) \n 2 . What was the primary reason for your visit to the hotel ? ( e . g . business , vac ation , event ) \n 3 . How would you describe the clean lin ess and maintenance of the hotel ? ( e . g . excellent , good , fair , poor ) \n 4 . How would you rate the quality of the hotel ' s amen ities ? ( e . g . comfortable b eds , clean bath rooms , free Wi - Fi ) \n 5 . How would you rate the service provided by the hotel staff ? ( e . g . friendly , helpful , att ent ive , un help ful ) \n 6 . Did you experience any issues or problems during your stay ? If so , please describe . \n 7 . How would you rate the location of the hotel ? ( e . g . convenient , central , quiet , incon ven ient ) \n 8 . How would you rate the hotel ' s value for money ? ( e . g . excellent , good , fair , poor ) \n 9 . Would you recommend this hotel to others ? Why or why not ? \n 1 0 . Is there anything else you would like to mention about your stay at the hotel ? \n \n By answering these questions , hotel guests can provide detailed and helpful feedback that can help other travel ers make informed dec isions about their own stays at the hotel . Additionally , hot els can use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and enh ance the overall guest experience . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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