ID: 315

Create a daily itinerary based on the given information. Our family is looking for a 9-day Morocco trip that has light to moderate activity levels.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help you create a daily it iner ary for your 9 - day Mor oc co trip ! Based on your request , I will ensure that the activities are light to moder ate in terms of physical ex ert ion , and soci ally un bi ased and positive in nature . \n Here ' s a sample it iner ary for your reference : \n Day 1 : Ar rival in Mar ra ke ch \n * Ar rive at Mar ra ke ch Men ara Airport \n * Transfer to your ri ad ( trad itional Mor oc can house ) in the old med ina of Mar ra ke ch \n * Rest and acc lim ate to your surr ound ings \n * 2 : Mar ra ke ch \n \n * Ex pl ore the b ust ling J ema a el - F na a square and its v ibr ant sou ks ( mark ets ) \n * Vis it the K out ou bia Mos que , one of the largest mos ques in Mor oc co \n * Walk through the narrow streets of the old med ina and discover its hidden g ems \n Day 3 : Mar ra ke ch to Ess a ou ira \n \n * Drive to Ess a ou ira ( appro xim ately 4 hours ) \n * Check - in at your ri ad in the old med ina of Ess a ou ira \n * Ex pl ore the historic r amp arts , Sk ala de la Kas bah , and the b ust ling sou ks \n Day 4 : Ess a ou ira \n \n * Vis it the Ess a ou ira Beach and enjoy the Atlantic Ocean \n * Take a boat tour to see the coast line and the nearby islands \n * Ex pl ore the old med ina and its art is anal sh ops \n Day 5 : Ess a ou ira to Atlas Mountains \n \n * Drive to the Atlas Mountains ( appro xim ately 2 hours ) \n * Vis it the traditional Ber ber villages and learn about their culture \n * En jo y a traditional Ber ber l unch in the mountains \n Day 6 : Atlas Mountains to Mar ra ke ch \n \n * Return to Mar ra ke ch ( appro xim ately 2 hours ) \n * Vis it the Major ika Valley and the water falls \n * Ex pl ore the Pal mer a ie area and its gard ens \n Day 7 : Mar ra ke ch \n \n * Vis it the Bah ia Palace and the Dar el - B ach a museum \n * Ex pl ore the Major elle Garden and its beautiful gard ens and f ount ains \n * Rest and relax in the old med ina \n Day 8 : Mar ra ke ch to Che f cha ou en \n \n * Drive to Che f cha ou en ( appro xim ately 6 hours ) \n * Check - in at your ri ad in the old med ina of Che f cha ou en \n * Ex pl ore the historic Kas bah and its gard ens \n Day 9 : Che f cha ou en \n \n * Vis it the Che f cha ou en town and its traditional sou ks \n * En jo y the st unning views of the R if Mountains \n * Return to Mar ra ke ch ( appro xim ately 6 hours ) \n \n This it iner ary provides a good balance of cultural experiences , relax ation , and out door activities , while also ens uring that the physical ex ert ion level is light to moder ate . Of course , feel free to adjust the it iner ary based on your prefer ences and interests ! \n Please let me know if you have any questions or if there ' s anything else I can help you with . </s>

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