ID: 338

Prove the given statement using your information. "If x is a positive integer or a solution to x+3>4, then x>0 and x>12."

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for the clar ification ! I ' m here to help you with your question . \n To prove the statement , we can use logical simple logical argument : \n Let x be a positive integer or a solution to x + 3 4 . \n If x is a positive integer , then it is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 2 ( since 1 2 is the largest positive integer ). Therefore , x 0 and x <</a> 1 2 . \n If x is a solution to x + 3 4 , then we can subtract 3 from both sides of the equation to get x 1 . Since x is a positive integer , it must be greater than 0 , so x 0 . \n In either case , we have shown that if x is a positive integer or a solution to x + 3 4 , then x 0 and x <</a> 1 2 . Therefore , the statement is proven . </s>

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