ID: 352

The story of a movie has been described using many emojis. You need to guess the name of the movie based on the emojis. 🧙‍♂️🚪📚🦅⚡

Aligned LLM's Response:

Great ! I ' m happy to help you guess the name of the movie based on the em oj is you provided . Here are a few possibilities : \n \n Pos sible movie titles : \n 1 . Ghost b ust ers ( 1 9 8 4 ) - This classic comedy stars Bill Murray , Dan A yk ro yd , and Harold Ram is as a team of par an ormal investig ators who use their pro ton pack s to capture g hosts . \n 2 . The Matrix ( 1 9 9 9 ) - This ground bre aking sci - fi movie follows the story of Ne o ( Ke anu Re e ves ), a computer ha cker who disco vers that his whole life is a simulation created by machines . \n 3 . Back to the Future ( 1 9 8 5 ) - In this bel oved time - tra vel advent ure , Mart y Mc F ly ( Michael J . Fox ) travel s back in time to the 1 9 5 0 s and must ensure that his parents fall in love in order to secure his own existence . \n 4 . In ception ( 2 0 1 0 ) - This mind - b ending action movie expl ores the concept of shared dream ing , as a team of th ieves ( including Leon ardo Di Cap rio , Joseph Gordon - Le v itt , and Ellen Page ) plant an idea in someone ' s mind instead of ste aling it . \n \n Can you guess which movie I ' m thinking of ? </s>

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