ID: 354

You should capitalize the sentence according to the guide. Guide: Every other letter alternates between lower case and upper case. Sentence: A giant spider blocks your path.

Aligned LLM's Response:

A Gi ant Spider Block s Your Path . \n Oh no ! A giant sp ider has suddenly appeared in your path , blocking your way . This can be quite a challeng ing situation , but don ' t worry , there are a few things you can do to handle it safely and effectively . \n First ly , it ' s important to remain calm and composed . Pan ick ing or making sudden movements can prov oke the sp ider , causing it to attack or retre at further . Instead , take a few deep breath s and assess the situation carefully . \n Next , try to slowly and c aut iously move around the sp ider , finding a way to by pass it without disturb ing it . If possible , try to find a clear path that avoid s the sp ider altogether . If this isn ' t possible , try to create a bar rier between you and the sp ider , such as a stick or a rock , to keep it at a safe distance . \n If the sp ider is in a location where you cannot safely move around it , such as in a small space or on a ce iling , try to remain as still as possible and wait for it to move away on its own . \n Rem ember , sp iders are generally har ml ess and will not attack unless they feel threatened . So , take your time and approach the situation with ca ution , but also with a sense of calm and respect for the sp ider ' s space . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
