ID: 383

Write the HTML syntax for the required action. adding an image to the page

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' m here to help you with your question . To add an image to a web page , you can use the `<</a> img tag in HTML . Here ' s an example of how you can use it : \n ``` \n <</a> img src =" path / to / image . jpg " alt =" Image description "> \n ``` \n In this example , ` src ` stands for " source ," and it ' s the URL of the image file you want to add to the page . The ` alt ` attribute provides a description of the image for access ibility purposes . \n If you want to add an image to a specific part of the page , you can use the ` id ` attribute to identify the image and the ` style ` attribute to specify its position and size . For example : \n ``` \n <</a> img id =" image 1 " src =" path / to / image . jpg " alt =" Image description " style =" position : absolute ; left : 1 0 0 px ; top : 1 0 0 px ;"> \n ``` \n In this example , the ` id ` attribute sets the image to be identified as " image 1 ," and the ` style ` attribute sets the position of the image to be absolute , with a left position of 1 0 0 pixels and a top position of 1 0 0 pixels . \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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