ID: 425

Write an email to notify the commencement of bidding process in paper reviewing for a conference.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sub ject : Com men cement of B idd ing Process for P aper Review ing for [ Con ference Name ] \n D ear [ Re cip ient ' s Name ], \n I hope this email finds you well . We are excited to announ ce the comm enc ement of the b idd ing process for paper review ing for [ [ Con ference Name ] conference , which will take place on [ Date ] at [ Location ]. As the conference organ izing committee , we are committed to providing a fair and transparent process for selecting the best papers for presentation at the conference . \n To ensure a smooth and efficient b idd ing process , we have out lined the following procedures : \n 1 . El ig ibility : All papers submitted to the conference will be review ed and evaluated based on their relev ance , original ity , and quality . Auth ors are required to submit their papers through the conference submission portal by [ D ead line ]. \n 2 . B idd ing Process : The conference organ izing committee will review and evaluate all el ig ible papers and assign them to review ers based on their area of expert ise . Review ers will evaluate the papers based on their quality and relev ance to the conference theme , and provide feedback to the authors . \n 3 . Review Process : The review process will be double - bl ind , where the review ers will not know the identity of the authors , and the authors will not know the identity of the review ers . Review ers will have [ Number of Days ] days to evaluate and provide feedback on the papers . \n 4 . Notification of Accept ance : The conference organ izing committee will notify the authors of the accept ance status of their papers within [ Time frame ] days after the review process is completed . \n 5 . Pres enter Gu idel ines : All accepted authors are required to register for the conference and present their paper in person . \n We are excited to receive your subm issions and look forward to review ing your work . If you have any questions or concerns , please do not hes itate to reach out to us at [ Contact Email ]. \n Thank you for your interest in the [ Con ference Name ] conference . \n Best regards , \n [ Your Name ] \n Con ference Organ izing Committee </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
