ID: 431

Could you write a poem about my girlfriend in the style of the Bulgarian poet Botev? She is a software engineer, she likes dancing, and her favorite food are potatoes in any form.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help you with that ! Here ' s a poem about your girl friend in the style of the Bulgar ian poet B ote v : \n Oh , fair software engineer , with eyes so bright , \n Dan cing with grace , like a vision in flight , \n Your love for pot atoes , a true and noble might , \n In code and in movement , you sh ine so bright . \n \n Your fingers dance on the keyboard with grace , \n As you we ave magic , a true digital em brace , \n With every line and curve , a work of art , \n You bring beauty to the digital world , a true work of heart . \n \n Your feet move with the rh ythm of the beat , \n As you s way to the music , a true treat to gre et , \n With every step , a sym phony of delight , \n Your passion for dance , a true and pure sight . \n \n And when you sit to rest , with a plate of sp ud s so fine , \n Your love for pot atoes , a true and noble sh ine , \n A taste of home , a comfort so divine , \n A cul inary delight , that ' s truly sub lime . \n \n Oh , fair software engineer , with a heart so true , \n You bring joy and beauty , wherever you go , too , \n With your love for dan cing and pot atoes so bright , \n You light up the world , with a pure and gentle light . \n \n I hope you enjoy this poem ! Please let me know if you have any other questions or requests . </s>

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