ID: 433

what does \multirow{5}{*} do in latex

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for asking ! The `\ multirow { 5 }{ * ` command in LaTeX is used to create a multi - line paragraph or foot note . It allows similar to specify a header or foot note that sp ans multiple lines , with the text in each line separated by a horizontal line . \n Here is an example of how to use `\ multirow { 5 }{ *} ` in LaTeX : \n \ documentclass { article } \n \ begin { document } \n \ begin { This is a multi - line header } \n \ begin { wrap figure }{ r }{ 0 . 5 \ textwidth } \n \ caption { This is a ca ption that sp ans multiple lines .} \n \ end { wrap figure } \n \ end { document } \n \n In this example , the `\ multirow { 5 }{ *} ` command is used in the header to create a multi - line header that sp ans five lines . The ` wrap figure ` environment is used to create a ca ption that sp ans multiple lines , and the ` r ` option is used to specify that the ca ption should be placed on the right side of the page . \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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