ID: 439

Our beloved colleague Stephen is now leaving the company. He is one of the best engineers we had. He used to love posting memes. Write a short, fun and inspiring goodbye message.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help you with that ! Here ' s a short , fun , and insp iring good bye message for Stephen : \n " Ste phen , you are an incred ible engineer and an even better colle ague . Your passion for your work and your love for posting mem es have bright ened up our work place and brought us all joy . We are going to miss you dear ly , but we are also so proud of the amaz ing work you ' ve done here . You ' ve left your mark on our company , and we know you ' ll continue to make a difference wherever you go . Keep on being you , Stephen , and never stop sharing those amaz ing mem es ! " </s>

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