ID: 521

Plan a seven-day trip in China.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help you plan a seven - day trip in China ! Here ' s a suggested it iner ary that covers some of the most popular destin ations in China : \n Day 1 : Ar rival in Be ij ing \n * Ar rive at Be ij ing Capital International Airport \n * Check into your hotel and rest \n * Vis it the For b idden City , the largest palace complex in the world , closed on Monday ) \n * Ex pl ore the nearby T ian an men Square , one of the largest public squares in the world \n * En jo y a traditional Be ij ing ro ast du ck dinner \n \n Day 2 : Be ij ing \n \n * Vis it the Great Wall of China , one of the Seven W onders of the Med ieval World ( closed on every Monday ) \n * Take a hi ke along the Mut ian y u section of the Great Wall , which offers st unning views of the surrounding mountains \n * Ex pl ore the Temple of Heaven , a UN ES CO World Heritage Site and an important religious site for the Chinese people \n * Vis it the Summer Palace , a beautiful park with gard ens , tem ples , and a large lake \n \n Day 3 : X ian \n \n * Fly to X ian , a city known for its rich history and cultural her itage \n * Vis it the Ter rac otta Army , a UN ES CO World Heritage Site and one of the greatest arch ae ological discover ies of the 2 0 th century \n * Ex pl ore the ancient city walls , mos ques , and Muslim qu arters of X ian \n * En jo y a traditional X ian d ish , like hand - p ul led no od les or hot pot \n \n Day 4 : Gu il in \n \n * Fly to Gu il in , a city known for its st unning natural beauty \n * Take a boat ride along the Li River and see the pictures que kar st mountains and villages \n * Vis it the Re ed Fl ute C ave , a natural lim estone cave filled with color ful stal act ites and stal ag mit es \n * Ex pl ore the old town of Gu il in and its b ust ling night market \n \n Day 5 : Shang hai \n \n * Fly to Shang hai , China ' s largest city and a global financial hub \n * Vis it the icon ic Oriental Pear l Tower and take in the views of the city sky line \n * Ex pl ore the Bund , a famous water front area with colonial - era buildings and modern sk ys c rap ers \n * Vis it the Shang hai Museum , which houses a vast collection of Chinese art and artifact s \n \n Day 6 : H ang z hou \n \n * Take a high - speed train to H ang z hou , a city known for its beautiful West Lake and tea culture \n * Vis it West Lake , a UN ES CO World Heritage Site and one of China ' s most famous natural w onders \n * Take a boat ride on the lake and explore the surrounding tem ples and gard ens \n * Vis it the L ing y in Temple , a famous Buddh ist temple with intr icate car v ings and stat ues \n \n Day 7 : Depart ure from Shang hai \n \n * Return to Shang hai for your departure flight \n * Vis it the Shang hai Tower , the tall est building in China and the second - t all est in the world \n * Ex pl ore the French Con cess ion , a historic neighborhood with colonial - era architecture and tr end y c af es and bars \n * Depart from Shang hai Hong q iao International Airport \n \n Of course , this is just one possible it iner ary , and there are many other amaz ing destin ations to explore in China . Let me know if you have any specific prefer ences or interests , and I can tail or the it iner ary to suit your needs ! </s>

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