ID: 53

I've read the book "The Twelve Caesars" by Suetonius, a few times. I'm curious about the context, of when he wrote.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for reaching out ! I ' m glad to hear that you ' re interested in " The Tw elve Ca es ars " by Su eton ius . However , I must respect fully point out that the book was not written by Su eton ius . " The Tw elve Ca es ars " is actually a work of ancient Roman history written by G ai us Su eton ius T ran qu ill us , a Roman historian who lived in the 1 st and 2 nd centuries AD . \n Su eton ius wrote his book during the reign of Emperor Dom it ian ( AD 8 1 - 9 6 ), and it was published post hum ously in 9 3 AD . The work provides a detailed account of the lives and reign s of the first 1 2 Roman em per ors , from Julius Ca esar to Dom it ian . \n I hope this information helps clarify the context of when " The Tw elve Ca es ars " was written . If you have any further questions , please feel free to ask ! </s>

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