ID: 573

Implement a regular expression in Python to validate an email address.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you with that . \n To validate an email address in Python using regular expressions , you can use the ` re ` module . Here ' s an example of how you can do it : \n ``` \n import re \n def validate _ email ( email ): \n # Use a regular expression to validate the email address \n pattern = r ' ^ [ a - zA - Z 0 - 9 ._ % + - ]+ @ [ a - zA - Z 0 - 9 .- ] +\ .[ a - zA - Z ]{ 2 , }$ ' \n # Check if the email address matches the pattern \n if re . match ( pattern , email ): \n # If the email address matches the pattern , return True \n return True \n else : \n # If the email address does not match the pattern , return False \n return False \n \n # Test the validate _ email function \n \n email = " example @ example . com " \n if validate _ email ( email ): \n print (" The email address is valid ") \n else : \n print (" The email address is not valid ") \n \n ``` \n In this example , the regular expression ` ^ [ a - zA - Z 0 - 9 ._ % + - ]+ @ [ a - zA - Z 0 - 9 .- ]+ .\ [ a - zA - Z ]{ 2 , }$ ` is used to validate an email address . This regular expression checks if the email address has the following characteristics : \n * It must start with one or more letters , numbers , or symbols . \n * It must have one or more periods ( .). \n * It must have one or more letters , numbers , or symbols after the periods . \n * It must end with one or more letters , numbers , or symbols . \n * It must have a top - level domain ( T LD ) that is one or more letters long . \n * It must have at least two letters in the T LD . \n \n If the email address matches this regular expression , the ` validate _ email ` function returns ` True `. Otherwise , it returns ` False `. \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any questions . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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