ID: 64

I need to get my nephew a birthday gift. I'm thinking of giving him a game for his Nintendo Switch. Can you give me a few options that came out recently?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help ! There have been many great games released for the N intendo Switch in recent months . Here are a few options that might be suitable for a young nep hew : \n 1 . Super Mario Od ys sey - This is a fun and color ful platform er st arring Mario , and it ' s a great choice for k ids . It ' s r ated E for Every one by the Entertainment Software R ating Board ( ES R B ). \n 2 . Mine craft - If your nep hew enjo ys building and expl oring , Mine craft is a great option . It ' s a sand box game that allows players to build and explore a block y world filled with cre atures , resources , and advent ure . It ' s r ated E for Every one by the E SR B . \n 3 . L ego Games - L ego games are always popular with k ids , and there are many great options available for the N intendo Switch . Some popular choices include L ego Mario , L ego Bat man , and L ego Harry Pot ter . These games are r ated E for Every one by the E SR B . \n 4 . S pl ato on 2 - This is a fun and color ful third - person shoot er that ' s great for k ids . It ' s r ated E for Every one by the E SR B . \n 5 . Over co oked 2 - This is a cook ing simulation game that ' s great for k ids who enjoy working together with friends and family . It ' s r ated E for Every one by the E SR B . \n \n I hope these suggestions help you find the perfect gift for your nep hew ! If you have any other questions , feel free to ask . </s>

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