ID: 671

When did kissing become a universal sign of affection across a wide variety of cultures?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for your question ! K iss ing as a universal sign of affection is a fasc in ating topic . While there isn ' t a specific date or time when kiss ing became a universal sign of affection , it ' s important to understand that the act of kiss ing has a rich history and cultural significance across various civil izations . \n K iss ing has been a part of human expression and communication for thousands of years , d ating back to ancient cult ures in Egypt , Greece , and Rome . In these cult ures , kiss ing was used as a form of gre eting , expression of love , and even as a sign of respect . \n Over time , the act of kiss ing evol ved and spread to other parts of the world , adapt ing to different cult ures and custom s . In many cult ures , kiss ing is now a universal sign of affection , used to express love , appreci ation , or friendship . \n However , it ' s important to recognize that the cultural significance of kiss ing can vary across different soci eties and communities . While kiss ing is widely accepted as a sign of affection in many parts of the world , there are some cult ures where it is not as common or is even considered in app ropri ate . \n In summary , while there isn ' t a specific date or time when kiss ing became a universal sign of affection , it ' s clear that the act of kiss ing has a long and rich history across various cult ures and civil izations . It ' s important to be respect ful of cultural differences and to understand the diverse ways in which kiss ing is expressed and interpreted around the world . </s>

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