ID: 687

Is it okay to use regular sugar instead of brown sugar in cinnamons rolls?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Hello ! I ' m here to help you with your question . However , I must point out that using regular sugar instead of brown sugar in c inn am on roll s may not be the best idea . Brown sugar adds a unique flav or and texture to c inn am on roll s that regular sugar cannot rep licate . Brown sugar has a rich er , more car am el - like flav or that comple ments the c inn am on and other sp ices in the d ough . Using regular sugar may result in a less flav or ful and less tender d ough . \n That being said , if you still want to use regular sugar in your c inn am on roll s , you can certainly do so . However , keep in mind that the flav or and texture may be slightly different than what you ' re used to . If you ' re looking for a more neutral - t ast ing d ough , you could try using a bl end of white and brown sugar . This will give you a slightly swe eter d ough with a hint of car am el flav or . \n In any case , I hope this helps ! If you have any other questions or concerns , feel free to ask . </s>

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