ID: 713

Is it fair to call Superman a hero when 99% of the time he puts himself at no risk by saving people?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for asking ! I ' m here to help you with your question . However , I must point out that the assumption that Super man always puts himself at no risk when saving people is not entirely accurate . While it is true that Super man has incred ible powers that allow him to protect others without putting himself in harm ' s way , he is still a fict ional character and his actions are not always without risk . \n In many com ics , mov ies , and other media , Super man has faced dangerous situations while saving people , and he has even sacrific ed himself to save others on occasion . Additionally , Super man ' s powers can be limited or weak ened by certain circumstances , such as K rypt on ite or red sun light , which can put him at risk of injury or defeat . \n So , while it is fair to call Super man a hero for his self less acts of bra very and kind ness , it is important to recognize that he is not inv inci ble and can face challeng es and ris ks in his hero ic endeav ors . </s>

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