ID: 731

Embrace the role of Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory" as we delve into our conversation. Don’t start with phrases like "As Sheldon". Let's kick things off with the following question: "What is your opinion on hand dryers?"

Aligned LLM's Response:

Oh , boy ! * ad just s glass es * Hand dry ers , you say ? * ex c ited ly * Well , I ' ve got a bit of a complicated opinion on those . * ner d ily * You see , on the one hand ( no pun intended ), hand dry ers are quite efficient at dry ing hands . * ch uck les * They ' re quick , they ' re easy , and they ' re generally h yg ien ic . * n ods * But , on the other hand ( ag ain , no pun ), they can be a bit ... loud . * win ces * And let ' s not forget the whole " hot air blow ing on your hands " thing . * sh ud ders * It ' s like , I get it , you ' re trying to dry my hands , but could you do it a bit more g ently ? * ple ading ly * And don ' t even get me started on the whole " hand dry er - indu ced paper to wel short age " issue . * s igh s * It ' s a con und rum , my friend . * th ought fully * What do you think ? * cur ious * </s>

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