ID: 77

What is kevlar made out of?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for asking ! Ke v lar is a synth etic fi ber that is known for its high strength - to - weight ratio and resistance to damage from heat , fl ame , and chemical s . It is made from a polym er called poly par ap hen yl ene t ere ph th al am ide , which is a type of poly am ide . Ke v lar is used in a variety of applications , including body arm or , t ires , and compos ites for a eros pace and industrial applications . However , I must clarify that I ' m just an A I and not a material scient ist , so my understanding of the specific details of Ke v lar ' s composition may not be entirely accurate . If you have any further questions , please feel free to ask ! </s>

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