ID: 783

What is the central dogma of molecular biology? What processes are involved? Who named this?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The central dog ma of mole cular bi ology is a concept that describes the flow of gen etic information within a living organ ism , from DNA to prote ins . The central dog ma was first proposed by Francis Cr ick in 1 9 5 8 and is widely accepted as a fundamental principle of mole cular bi ology . \n The central dog ma states that gen etic information flows from DNA ( de ox y rib on uc le ic acid ) to R NA ( rib on uc le ic acid ) to prote ins . This flow of information occurs through a series of processes , including trans cription , translation , and post - trans cription al modification . \n Trans cription is the process by which DNA is used as a template to synth es ize R NA . During trans cription , an en zym e called R NA polym er ase reads the DNA code and adds nucle ot ides to a growing R NA chain . The resulting R NA mole c ule is a complement ary copy of the DNA template . \n Trans lation is the process by which R NA mole cules are used as templates to synth es ize prote ins . During translation , the R NA mole c ule is read by a rib os ome , which adds am ino ac ids to a growing protein chain according to the sequence of nucle ot ides in the R NA . \n Post - trans cription al modification refers to any changes that occur to the R NA or protein mole cules after they have been synth es ized . This can include processes such as sp lic ing , editing , and de grad ation . \n The central dog ma is a fundamental concept in mole cular bi ology because it explains how gen etic information is converted into the prote ins that perform a wide range of functions in the cell . Under standing the central dog ma is essential for understanding how cells work , how they develop , and how they respond to their environment . \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any further questions . </s>

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