ID: 785

Please explain the differences between exothermic and endothermic reactions, and include the criteria you used to distinguish between them. Additionally, please provide a real-world example to illustrate your explanation.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help ! \n Ex oth erm ic and end oth erm ic re actions are two types of chemical re actions that occur in different ways . \n Ex oth erm ic re actions are chemical re actions in which heat is released or evol ved . In other words , energy is released during the reaction , and the temperature of the system increases . Ex amples of ex oth erm ic re actions include comb ust ion re actions , such as the burning of gas oline in a car engine or the comb ust ion of wood in a fire place . These re actions are often accompanied by a bright flash of heat or light , and they can be very ener get ic and violent . \n On the other hand , end oth erm ic re actions are chemical re actions in which heat is absor bed or consum ed . In other words , energy is absor bed during the reaction , and the temperature of the system decre ases . Ex amples of end oth erm ic re actions include the dissol ution of sugar in water , the cond ens ation of steam , or the reaction of am mon ia with hydro ch lor ic acid . These re actions are often accompanied by a decrease in temperature , and they can be very slow and steady . \n To distinguish between ex oth erm ic and end oth erm ic re actions , we can use the following criteria : \n 1 . He at evolution : Ex oth erm ic re actions release heat , while end oth erm ic re actions abs orb heat . \n 2 . Tem per ature change : Ex oth erm ic re actions typically result in an increase in temperature , while end oth erm ic re actions result in a decrease in temperature . \n 3 . Energy change : Ex oth erm ic re actions release energy , while end oth erm ic re actions abs orb energy . \n \n A real - world example of an ex oth erm ic reaction is the comb ust ion of gas oline in a car engine . When gas oline is burn ed in a car engine , it releases a large amount of heat and light , causing the engine to run . This is an ex oth erm ic reaction because energy is released during the reaction , and the temperature of the system increases . \n On the other hand , an example of an end oth erm ic reaction is the dissol ution of sugar in water . When sugar is dissol ved in water , heat is absor bed , causing the temperature of the system to decrease . This is an end oth erm ic reaction because energy is absor bed during the reaction , and the temperature of the system decre ases . \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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