ID: 89

I'm trying to draw out a hopscotch game on my driveway. Can you walk me through how to do that?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help ! Draw ing a hop sc ot ch game on your drive way can be a fun and cre ative activity for you and your family . Here ' s a step - by - step guide on how to draw a basic hop sc ot ch game : \n 1 . Find a suitable location : Look for a flat and even surface , such as a drive way , side walk , or play ground . Make sure the area is free from any obst acles or ha z ards . \n 2 . Det erm ine the size of the hop sc ot ch grid : De cide on the size of the hop sc ot ch grid you want to draw . A standard size is 3 x 3 feet , but you can adjust the size to fit your available space . \n 3 . Draw the hop sc ot ch grid : Use ch alk or a marker to draw a large square on the ground . Inside the square , draw a series of number ed squares , usually 1 to 9 , with one square missing ( the " h op sc ot ch square "). The squares should be spac ed even ly apart and should be large enough for a stone or small object to fit in . \n 4 . Add the b oun cing line : Draw a line connecting the first square to the last square , and then back to the first square again . This line is called the " b oun cing line " and is where players will b ounce their stone or object to move through the game . \n 5 . Add the scoring squares : If you want to add scoring squares , you can draw additional number ed squares inside the hop sc ot ch grid . These squares can be used to keep track of points or to add an extra level of challenge to the game . \n 6 . Test the game : Before playing the game , test the hop sc ot ch grid to make sure it ' s safe and even . You can use a stone or small object to b ounce on the b oun cing line to make sure it ' s secure ly in place . \n \n I hope this helps you draw a fun and safe hop sc ot ch game on your drive way ! If you have any questions or need further clar ification , feel free to ask . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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