ID: 92

I want to talk about "Smooth", a song by Rob Thomas.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! " S mo oth " is a popular song by Rob Thomas , the lead vocal ist of the band Match box Tw enty , featuring guitar ist Carlos Sant ana . Re leased in 1 9 9 9 , the song became a massive hit and one of the best - s elling singles of all time . It won three Gram my Awards , including Record of the Year and Song of the Year . \n The song ' s lyr ics are a reflection of Thomas ' s personal experiences and observations , with a focus on the ups and down s of relationships and the passage of time . The ch orus features a memor able guitar r iff and Sant ana ' s signature bl ues - rock sound , which adds depth and em otion to the song . \n What would you like to know about " S mo oth "? </s>

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