ID: 98

When was hip hop invented?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for asking ! H ip hop is a cultural movement that origin ated in the 1 9 7 0 s in the Bron x , New York City . While it ' s difficult to pin point an exact date of invent or of hip hop , it is generally agreed that the genre began to take shape in the early 1 9 7 0 s . \n The term " hip hop " was co ined in 1 9 7 1 by DJ K ool Her c , a J ama ican - American DJ who is often cred ited with helping to create the genre . Her c began hosting parties in the Bron x where he would take popular fun k and soul records and extend the break be ats ( the instrument al sections in between vers es ) using two tur nt ables and a mix er . This created a continuous flow of music that allowed people to dance for longer periods of time . \n Over time , hip hop evol ved to include not only DJ ing and dan cing , but also MC ing ( ra pping ), gra ff iti art , and break dan cing . The first hip hop record , " R apper ' s Del ight " by The Sug ar hill Gang , was released in 1 9 7 9 and became a major hit , helping to popular ize the genre . \n So while it ' s difficult to pin point an exact date or invent or of hip hop , it is clear that the genre origin ated in the early 1 9 7 0 s in the Bron x and has since evol ved into a global cultural phenomen on . </s>

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