ID: 102

Why is it that only proteins, carbohydrates and fats are deemed to have caloric value?
Just to clarify - consider the hypothetical situation below:
100g of 'carbohydrates' = 400kCal
100g of 'protein' = 400kCal
100g of 'fat' = 900kCal
100g of 'vitamins, minerals and/or other electrolytes' = ?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Prote ins , carb oh y dr ates , and f ats are the mac ron ut ri ents that provide energy to the body . They are the primary sources of energy for the body and are essential for the proper functioning of the body . On the other hand , vit am ins , miner als , and other electro ly tes are mic ron ut ri ents that are necessary for the body to function properly . They are not considered to have cal oric value because they do not provide energy to the body . \n \n In the hyp ot het ical situation you provided , 1 0 0 g of carb oh y dr ates and protein would provide 4 0 0 k Cal each , while 1 0 0 g of fat would provide 9 0 0 k Cal . However , it is important to note that the cal oric value of a food is not the only factor that determines its nut r itional value . Other factors such as the type of carb oh y dr ates , protein , and f ats , as well as the presence of vit am ins , miner als , and other electro ly tes , also play a significant role in the overall health and well - being of the body . </s>

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