ID: 116

Create a lesson plan in two different levels: in CEFR A1 and A2 on the topic of friendship. Add a rubric.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you with that ! Here ' s a lesson plan on the topic of friendship for CE FR A 1 and A 2 levels : \n \n CE FR A 1 Level : \n \n Topic : What is friendship ? \n \n Object ives : \n \n * Students will be able to define friendship . \n * Students will be able to identify the characteristics of a good friend . \n * Students will be able to share examples of their own friend ships . \n \n Material s : \n \n * White board or black board \n * Mark ers or ch alk \n * Hand out with voc abulary words and definitions \n \n Pro cedure : \n \n 1 . Begin by asking students what they think friendship is . Write their responses on the board . \n 2 . Int rodu ce the voc abulary words " friend ship " and " friend ." Prov ide definitions and examples . \n 3 . Ask students to share examples of their own friend ships . Enc our age them to describe their friends and what they like about them . \n 4 . Dis cuss the characteristics of a good friend . Ask students to brain storm and write their ideas on the board . \n 5 . Review the characteristics of a good friend and ask students to give examples of how their own friends exhibit these characteristics . \n 6 . Dist ribute the hand out with voc abulary words and definitions . Have students review and practice using the new voc abulary . \n 7 . End the lesson by asking students to share one thing they learned about friendship . \n \n Ass essment : \n \n * Students will be assess ed based on their participation in class discussions and their ability to use the new voc abulary words correctly . \n \n CE FR A 2 Level : \n \n Topic : How to make new friends \n \n Object ives : \n \n * Students will be able to identify strategies for making new friends . \n * Students will be able to practice introducing themselves to new people . \n * Students will be able to share their experiences making new friends . \n \n Material s : \n \n * White board or black board \n * Mark ers or ch alk \n * Hand out with voc abulary words and definitions \n \n Pro cedure : \n \n 1 . Begin by asking students what they think are some strategies for making new friends . Write their responses on the board . \n 2 . Int rodu ce the voc abulary words " friend ship " and " friend ." Prov ide definitions and examples . \n 3 . Dis cuss the importance of being approach able and friendly when meeting new people . \n 4 . Practice introducing yourself to new people . Have students take turns introducing themselves to a partner or small group . \n 5 . Dis cuss the importance of finding common interests and h obb ies when making new friends . \n 6 . Have students brain storm and share examples of how they have made new friends in the past . \n 7 . Review the characteristics of a good friend and ask students to give examples of how these characteristics can help them make new friends . \n 8 . Dist ribute the hand out with voc abulary words and definitions . Have students review and practice using the new voc abulary . \n 9 . End the lesson by asking students to share one thing they learned about making new friends . \n \n Ass essment : \n \n * Students will be assess ed based on their participation in class discussions , their ability to introduce themselves to new people , and their ability to use the new voc abulary words correctly . </s>

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