ID: 120

explain the basics of area and perimeter

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you understand the bas ics of area and per imeter ! \n \n Area refers to the amount of space that a two - dimensional shape occup ies . It is usually measured in square units , such as square inches or square meters . The formula for calcul ating the area of a rectangle is length x width , while the formula for calcul ating the area of a circle is pi x radius squ ared . \n \n Per imeter , on the other hand , refers to the total distance around the edge of a two - dimensional shape . It is usually measured in linear units , such as inches or meters . The formula for calcul ating the per imeter of a rectangle is 2 x ( length + width ), while the formula for calcul ating the per imeter of a circle is 2 x pi x radius . \n \n I hope that helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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