ID: 122

cost of fuel for a 14 mile journey in a car with 48mpg, fuel costs 625 pence per gallon and there is heavy traffic for half the journey

Aligned LLM's Response:

The cost of fuel for a 1 4 - mile journey in a car with 4 8 mp g would depend on the amount of fuel consumed during the journey . Ass uming the car ' s fuel tank has a capacity of 1 0 gall ons , the car would consume approximately 2 . 1 4 gall ons of fuel ( 1 4 miles / 4 8 mp g x 1 0 gall ons ). \n \n At a fuel cost of 6 2 5 p ence per gall on , the total cost of fuel for the journey would be approximately £ 1 . 2 9 ( 2 . 1 4 gall ons x 6 2 5 p ence / g all on ). \n \n However , if there is heavy traffic for half the journey , the actual distance traveled may be greater than 1 4 miles , which would result in a higher fuel consumption and cost . It ' s also important to note that fuel costs can vary depending on location and other factors , so the actual cost may be different . </s>

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