ID: 132

Write a daily exercise routine for Monday to Sunday with a rest day in between, each day summarized in 160 characters or less

Aligned LLM's Response:

Monday : W arm - up with 1 0 minutes of light card io , followed by 3 sets of 1 0 - 1 2 re ps of squ ats , lung es , and push - ups . Fin ish with 5 - minute cool - down . \n \n T uesday : Rest day . \n \n W ed nesday : 3 0 minutes of moderate - int ensity card io , followed by 3 sets of 1 0 - 1 2 re ps of b ice p cur ls , tr ice p extensions , and shoulder press es . Fin ish with a 5 - minute cool - down . \n \n Th ursday : Rest day . \n \n Fr iday : 4 5 minutes of high - int ensity interval training ( HI IT ), altern ating between sprint s and recovery periods . Fin ish with a 5 - minute cool - down . \n \n S aturday : 3 0 minutes of yoga or stret ching , followed by a 3 0 - minute h ike or walk . Fin ish with a 5 - minute cool - down . \n \n S und ay : Rest day . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
