ID: 140

write lyrics that only rhyme a little bit (not every verse needs rhyming or exact pacing), for a progressive metal song about loving jesus

Aligned LLM's Response:

Ver se 1 : \n In the quiet est of nights , when all hope seems lost \n I turn to you , my Sav ior , to be my guide \n With your love and grace , you lift me up high \n And fill my heart with joy , like a never - ending tide \n \n Ch orus : \n Oh , I love you , Jesus , my Lord and King \n With all my heart , I sing your pra ises \n I ' ll follow you , wherever you may go \n And in your love , I ' ll find my peace and rest \n \n Ver se 2 : \n Th rough the trials and trib ulations of this life \n You are my rock , my refuge , my gu iding light \n With your word as my sword , and your love as my shield \n I ' ll face the world , with courage and might \n \n Ch orus : \n Oh , I love you , Jesus , my Lord and King \n With all my heart , I sing your pra ises \n I ' ll follow you , wherever you may go \n And in your love , I ' ll find my peace and rest \n \n B ridge : \n In your presence , all my fears and doubts fade away \n And in your love , I find the strength to carry on \n With every step , I feel your love and care \n And in your arms , I know I ' ll always be safe \n \n Ch orus : \n Oh , I love you , Jesus , my Lord and King \n With all my heart , I sing your pra ises \n I ' ll follow you , wherever you may go \n And in your love , I ' ll find my peace and rest \n \n Out ro : \n So let us raise our voices , and sing your name \n Let us praise you , with all our hearts and souls \n For in your love , we find our true purpose \n And in your arms , we ' ll always be whole . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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