ID: 167

write a chronology of important events related to ESG in 2022

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here is a chron ology of important events related to E SG ( Environment al , Social , and Govern ance ) in 2 0 2 2 : \n \n 1 . January 2 0 2 2 : The World Economic Forum ( WE F ) held its annual meeting in Dav os , Switzerland , where E SG issues were a major focus . The W EF launched its " Global Sh apers Community " initiative , which aims to promote E SG - related solutions and collabor ations . \n 2 . February 2 0 2 2 : The United Nations Frame work Convention on Cl imate Change ( UN F CC C ) held its 2 6 th Conference of the Part ies ( CO P 2 6 ) in Glasgow , Scotland . The conference focused on acceler ating action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations S ustain able Development Go als ( SD G s ). \n 3 . March 2 0 2 2 : The European Union ( E U ) published its " Tax onomy Reg ulation ," which aims to provide a framework for class ifying economic activities as sustainable or non - s ustain able . The tax onomy covers six environmental objectives , including climate change mit igation and adaptation , sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources , transition to a circular economy , pollution prevention and control , restoration of b iod ivers ity and ecosystem s , and climate change adaptation in vulnerable communities . \n 4 . April 2 0 2 2 : The European Commission launched its " Green Deal Action Plan ," which aims to acceler ate the transition to a carbon - neut ral economy by 2 0 5 0 . The action plan includes measures to increase the use of renew able energy , improve energy efficiency , and promote sustainable transportation . \n 5 . May 2 0 2 2 : The G 7 leaders met in Corn wall , England , and pl ed ged to don ate one billion dos es of COVID - 1 9 vacc ines to lower - inc ome countries . The leaders also discussed climate change and other global challenges , and committed to working together to address these issues . \n 6 . June 2 0 2 2 : The United Nations General Assembly held a special session on the ocean , where leaders discussed the importance of protecting the world ' s o ce ans and promoting sustainable use of marine resources . The session focused on issues such as marine pollution , over f ishing , and climate change . \n 7 . July 2 0 2 2 : The G 2 0 leaders met in Corn wall , England , and discussed a range of global issues , including climate change , economic recovery , and health . The leaders pl ed ged to work together to address these challenges and promote sustainable development . \n 8 . August 2 0 2 2 : The United Nations Environment Program me ( UN EP ) and the World Wild life Fund ( WW F ) published their " L iving Plan et Report 2 0 2 2 ," which highlights the urgent need for action to protect the world ' s b iod ivers ity . The report warn s that human activities are driving the sixth mass ext inction event in Earth ' s history , and calls for urgent action to protect ecosystem s and promote sustainable development . \n 9 . September 2 0 2 2 : The United Nations Cl imate Change Conference ( CO P 2 7 ) will be held in Sh arm el - She ikh , Egypt . The conference is expected to focus on acceler ating action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations S ustain able Development Go als ( SD G s ), and will include discussions on issues such as adaptation , mit igation , and financing . \n 1 0 . October 2 0 2 2 : The European Union will publish its " S ustain able Finance Dis closure Reg ulation ," which aims to require financial market participants to dis close information on how they integrate E SG factors into their investment decisions . The regulation is expected to help investors make more informed decisions and promote sustainable investment practices . </s>

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