ID: 175

Write a funny, interesting, inspiring poem for Women's Day.

Aligned LLM's Response:

To all the women out there , \n H appy Women ' s Day to you , \n May your hearts be filled with love , \n And your dreams come true . \n \n You are strong , you are brave , \n You are the back bone of our society , \n You are the ones who keep us going , \n With your un wa ver ing res il ience . \n \n You are the ones who inspire us , \n To be the best versions of ourselves , \n You are the ones who lead the way , \n With your wisdom and grace . \n \n So , on this special day , \n Let us celebrate you , \n For all that you do , \n And all that you will do . \n \n May your hearts be filled with joy , \n And your spirits be free , \n For you are the ones who make this world , \n A better place to be . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
