ID: 196

Write me a high quality testing framework in Cypress that utilizes Docker, and also uses Cypress's ability to capture screenshots and save them.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I can help you with that . Here ' s a high - level outline of a testing framework in Cy press that util izes D ocker and capt ures screens h ots : \n \n 1 . Set up a D ocker environment : \n * Install D ocker on your local machine . \n * Create a D ocker file that spec ifies the base image , install s any necessary dependencies , and copies your application code into the container . \n * Build the D ocker image using the ` d ocker build ` command . \n * Run the D ocker container using the ` d ocker run ` command . \n 2 . Install Cy press and configure it to use the D ocker container : \n * Install Cy press glob ally using the ` n pm install - g cy press ` command . \n * Con figure Cy press to use the D ocker container by adding the following to your ` cy press . json ` file : \n `` ` json \n { \n " view port Width ": 1 0 2 4 , \n " view port Height ": 7 6 8 , \n " chrome Web Security ": false , \n " base Url ": " http :// localhost : 3 0 0 0 ", \n " d ocker ": { \n " image ": " your - d ocker - image - name ", \n " port ": 3 0 0 0 , \n " host ": " localhost ", \n " container Name ": " your - container - name " \n } \n } \n `` ` \n 3 . Write your Cy press tests : \n * Use Cy press ' s commands to interact with your application and assert that it beh aves as expected . \n * Use Cy press ' s ` cy . sc reens hot () ` command to capture screens h ots of your application at various points in your tests . \n 4 . Run your tests : \n * Use the ` cy press run ` command to run your tests . \n * Cy press will launch your application in the D ocker container , interact with it using your tests , and capture screens h ots as specified . \n \n Here ' s an example of a simple Cy press test that uses the ` cy . sc reens hot () ` command to capture a screens hot of the application ' s home page : \n `` ` javascript \n desc ribe (' Home page ', () => { \n before Each (() => { \n cy . visit ('/ ') \n }) \n \n it (' should display a welcome message ', () => { \n cy . sc reens hot (' home page ') \n cy . get (' h 1 '). should (' cont ain ', ' W elcome to My Application ') \n }) \n }) \n `` ` \n This test will launch the application in the D ocker container , navigate to the home page , capture a screens hot using ` cy . sc reens hot (' home page ') `, and then assert that the ` h 1 ` element contains the text " W elcome to My Application ". \n \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance . </s>

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