ID: 226

What are some words to express love and affection in Tolkien's Quenya?

Aligned LLM's Response:

In Tol k ien ' s Qu en ya , some words to express love and affection include : \n \n 1 . An ar - love , affection \n 2 . A man - love , affection , passion \n 3 . A ure - love , affection , passion \n 4 . E ä rend il - love , affection , passion \n 5 . Gal ad riel - love , affection , passion \n 6 . G ond or - love , affection , passion \n 7 . L ó riel - love , affection , passion \n 8 . Mel ian - love , affection , passion \n 9 . N old or - love , affection , passion \n 1 0 . R iv end ell - love , affection , passion \n \n It ' s important to note that Qu en ya is a fict ional language created by J . R . R . Tol k ien , and while these words may be used in his works , they may not necessarily have the same mean ings or con notations in real - world context s . </s>

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