ID: 240

write me script that shows the saves a dictionnary in json format in a file in python

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , here ' s a script that saves a dictionary in JSON format to a file in Python : \n `` ` python \n import json \n \n # Define the dictionary to save \n my _ dict = { \n " name ": " John Do e ", \n " age ": 3 0 , \n " email ": " j oh nd oe @ example . com " \n } \n \n # Save the dictionary to a JSON file \n with open (" my _ dict . json ", " w ") as f : \n json . dump ( my _ dict , f ) \n `` ` \n In this script , we first import the ` json ` module , which provides functions for working with JSON data in Python . We then define a dictionary called ` my _ dict ` that we want to save . \n \n Next , we use the ` json . dump () ` function to save the dictionary to a file called ` my _ dict . json `. The ` with open () ` statement is used to open the file in write mode ( ` " w "` ), and the ` json . dump () ` function is used to write the dictionary to the file . \n \n When you run this script , it will create a file called ` my _ dict . json ` in the same directory as the script , containing the JSON representation of the ` my _ dict ` dictionary . </s>

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