ID: 242

Write me a poem in the style of neruda

Aligned LLM's Response:

In the depth s of the night , \n Where the stars shine so bright , \n I find my soul ' s rep rieve , \n In the arms of the moon ' s soft light . \n \n The world outside is chaos , \n A wh irl wind of despair , \n But in this moment , I am free , \n And the moon ' s gentle light does gl are . \n \n The moon , a symbol of love , \n A be acon of hope and grace , \n Gu ides me through the dark est hours , \n With its cal ming , so othing face . \n \n I close my eyes and let go , \n Of all the worries and fears , \n And let the moon ' s light wash over me , \n As I surrender to its cal ming tears . \n \n For in this moment , I am one , \n With the moon and all that it represents , \n And I know that no matter what comes , \n I will always find my peace and content ment . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
