ID: 246

What's the furthest back we can prove human existence? Is there good reason to believe it goes further then this point?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The fur the st back we can prove human existence is to the Hom o hab ilis species , which lived approximately 2 . 8 million years ago . However , there is evidence to suggest that humans may have existed even further back in time , such as the discovery of Hom o ere ct us foss ils in Africa , which date back to around 1 . 9 million years ago . \n \n As for whether there is good reason to believe that human existence goes further back in time , it is difficult to say for certain . However , with ongoing discover ies in pale ont ology and gen etics , it is possible that we may un cover more evidence of human ancestors in the future . It is important to approach these discover ies with respect and care , and to avoid making assumptions or drawing conclusions based on limited evidence . </s>

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