ID: 251

Please help me write a poem for my valentine. I have been married to her for 20 years and I love her very much!

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help you write a poem for your Valentine ! Here ' s a draft that you can use as a starting point : \n \n My love , my heart ' s true treasure , \n For 2 0 years we ' ve shared this journey , \n Th rough laughter and tears , through joy and pain , \n Our love has only grown stronger . \n \n Your smile lights up my world , \n Your voice is music to my ears , \n Your love is a constant source of warmth , \n And I ' m grateful for every moment we spend together . \n \n With you by my side , I know I can con quer any obst acle , \n For you are my rock , my safe haven , my refuge . \n I love you more than words can say , \n And I promise to always be there for you , through thick and thin . \n \n H appy Valentine ' s Day , my love . May our love continue to grow and flour ish , for many more years to come . </s>

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