ID: 264

What are some options of foods that I can make with dough and cheese?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many delicious options for foods that you can make with dough and cheese . Here are a few ideas : \n \n 1 . P izza : P izza is a classic dish that can be made with a variety of to pp ings , including cheese . You can use a store - b ought or homem ade pizza dough and add your favorite to pp ings , such as pepper oni , mush rooms , on ions , and pe pp ers . \n 2 . Cal z ones : Cal z ones are a type of Italian pas try that is filled with cheese and other ingredients , such as vegetables or meat . You can make the dough from scratch or use store - b ought dough and fill the cal z ones with your favorite ingredients . \n 3 . Str om bol i : Str om bol i is a type of Italian pas try that is filled with cheese and other ingredients , such as vegetables or meat . You can make the dough from scratch or use store - b ought dough and roll it up with your favorite fill ings . \n 4 . Gar lic kn ots : Gar lic kn ots are a popular appet izer that can be made with dough and cheese . You can make the dough from scratch or use store - b ought dough and shape it into kn ots . Br ush the kn ots with garlic butter and b ake until golden brown . \n 5 . Che ese sticks : Che ese sticks are a simple and delicious sn ack that can be made with dough and cheese . You can make the dough from scratch or use store - b ought dough and roll it up with your favorite cheese . Cut the sticks into bite - sized pieces and b ake until golden brown . \n \n These are just a few ideas for foods that you can make with dough and cheese . With a little creativity , you can come up with many more delicious dishes ! </s>

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