ID: 273

How do I initialize a Typescript project using npm and git?

Aligned LLM's Response:

To initialize a Type Script project using n pm and git , follow these steps : \n \n 1 . Install Node . js and n pm on your computer if you haven ' t already . \n 2 . Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in your terminal . \n 3 . Run the following command to create a new n pm project : \n `` ` \n n pm init - y \n `` ` \n This will create a new package . json file in your project directory with default settings . \n 4 . Install Type Script as a development dependency by running the following command : \n `` ` \n n pm install types cript -- save - dev \n `` ` \n This will add Type Script to your project ' s dependencies and create a ts config . json file in your project directory . \n 5 . Initialize a git repository by running the following command : \n `` ` \n git init \n `` ` \n This will create a new git repository in your project directory . \n 6 . Add your project files to the git repository by running the following command : \n `` ` \n git add . \n `` ` \n This will add all files in your project directory to the git repository . \n 7 . Commit your changes by running the following command : \n `` ` \n git commit - m " Initial commit " \n `` ` \n This will create a new commit with the message " Initial commit ". \n 8 . P ush your changes to a remote repository by running the following command : \n `` ` \n git push origin main \n `` ` \n This will push your changes to the remote repository . \n \n That ' s it ! You now have a Type Script project initialized using n pm and git . </s>

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