ID: 279

If you could help me write an email to my friends inviting them to dinner on Friday, it would be greatly appreciated.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! Here ' s a sample email you can use to invite your friends to dinner on Friday : \n \n Subject : Inv itation to D inner on Friday \n \n D ear [ Friend ' s Name ], \n \n I hope this email finds you well ! I wanted to invite you to dinner on Friday at my place . I ' ve been looking forward to spending time with you all and catching up on each other ' s lives . \n \n The dinner will be at my place at [ Address ] at [ Time ]. Please let me know if you can make it , and if you have any diet ary restrictions or allerg ies that I should be aware of . \n \n I hope you can join me for a fun and delicious evening ! Let me know if you have any questions or if there ' s anything I can do to make this event even better . \n \n Look ing forward to seeing you all soon ! \n \n Best , \n [ Your Name ] </s>

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