ID: 281

Come up with some search queries on google about coding stuff.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , here are some search queries related to coding that you can try on Google : \n \n 1 . " Best coding boot cam ps for beg inners " \n 2 . " Py thon for beg inners " \n 3 . " Java Script tutorial for beg inners " \n 4 . " How to learn coding online " \n 5 . " C oding challenges for beg inners " \n 6 . " Introduction to web development " \n 7 . " C oding interview questions " \n 8 . " Data science courses for beg inners " \n 9 . " Introduction to machine learning " \n 1 0 . " C oding for kids " \n \n I hope these queries help you find the information you need ! </s>

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