ID: 287

Make a list of desirable Skills for software engineers to add to LinkedIn.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here are some des irable skills for software engineers to add to their Linked In profiles : \n \n 1 . Program ming languages : List ing prof iciency in multiple programming languages is highly valued by employers . \n 2 . Data structures and algorithms : Know ledge of data structures and algorithms is essential for efficient coding and problem - s olving . \n 3 . Software development method ologies : F amiliar ity with software development method ologies such as Ag ile , Sc rum , and Dev Ops is highly valued . \n 4 . Cloud computing : Know ledge of cloud computing platforms such as AWS , Azure , and Google Cloud is highly valued . \n 5 . Database management : Know ledge of database management systems such as My SQL , M ongo DB , and Post gre SQL is highly valued . \n 6 . Web development : Know ledge of web development framework s such as React , Ang ular , and V ue . js is highly valued . \n 7 . Mobile development : Know ledge of mobile development framework s such as React Native and X amarin is highly valued . \n 8 . Cy ber security : Know ledge of cyber security best practices and tools is highly valued in today ' s digital age . \n 9 . Project management : Know ledge of project management tools and method ologies such as J ira and Tre ll o is highly valued . \n 1 0 . Commun ication skills : Strong communication skills are essential for working effectively with team members and stake holders . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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